3-day Diet Review: Foods and Effectiveness of the Military Detox Diet and Fast for Quick Weight Loss
3-day Diet Review
3-day weight loss dietary review, foods and efficacy of the military detox diet, fast for quick weight reduction.
The Review
The 3-day Weight Loss Program Review
Are you considering the 3-day Plan (also called the Military Detox Diet)?
This review includes the foods eaten, its overall effectiveness and fasting for rapid weight loss with this plan.
The 3-day Plan, intended for those who want to lose a lot of weight, promises you may lose up to 10 pounds in three days if you follow it. Basically, a very, very restrictive crash diet that sees your weight come plummeting down, only for you to build it all up again when you come off the 3-day Weight Loss Plan after the allotted three days.
In a nutshell, and that in a way is all you are eating, in effect, the 3-day Weight Loss Plan relies on you eating very little.
How to Start
How to Start the 3-day Military Eating Menu
A handful of this, a cupful of that, a slice of toast, half a banana, a bit of cheese, a lonely, boiled egg.
Not much fun eating.
Does It Work?
Does the 3-day Weight Loss Program Work?
♥ It will leave you famished as well as fasted, and quite simply you will be so desperate for some good food you will more than likely overindulge when let loose in the supermarket aisle, and probably end up eating more than you normally would, and consequently gain weight as quickly as you lost it.
The Verdict
The 3-day Military Diet Plan Verdict
But before you think, “oh, that’s easy, I can do that for three days. I'll give it a go,” the point of this low-calorie diet is that after the three days are up, you revert to your normal diet for up to five days before going back to the 3-day torment.
Now it doesn't take a genius to work out that this diet is no way to acquire a balanced, healthy weight that can be sustained properly from week to week.
Health-wise, this diet makes no sense whatsoever.
All this does is make your stomach a human yo-yo as it veers from level to level.
To be blunt, the 3-day Plan is hopeless.
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