Ideal Body Weight Calculator:
How Much Should I Weigh for My Health, Height and Age? Human Body Weight - Free Weight Loss App

Ideal Body Weight Calculator

How much should I weigh for my height, age and health? Calculate your ideal body weight below.

Looking to determine your perfect weight? Calculating your normal or best weight using the tool below is non-ideal for anyone that carries more muscle than average. Ideally, it is recommended that the calculation be used as a reference point only. If you want the optimal way to track where you should be and assess your overall health risks, please use the body composition or waist to hip calculator. Use the ideal body weight calculation below for an average only.

Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight

Only enter your height in inches and then click the "calculate" button. Please leave the other fields blank.

Ideal Weight for Women

Ideal Body Weight Women, Hamwi Method

Enter height in inches in
Small Frame lbs
Medium Frame lbs
Large Frame lbs

Ideal Weight for Men

Ideal Body Weight Men, Hamwi Method

Enter height in inches in
Small Frame lbs
Medium Frame lbs
Large Frame lbs

Quick Reference to Find Your Bodies Frame Size

Keep in mind that this is a far less accurate measurement method.

To calculate your frame type place, your thumb and index finger around your wrist. If your finger overlaps the thumb, your frame is a small frame. If they touch, your frame is a medium frame. If they do not touch, your frame is a large frame.

Need further help determining your frame size?

Being underweight or overweight are recognized risk factors for many diseases, namely hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemias, and perhaps certain types of cancers.

Remember, these are statistical averages and not absolutes. If you are very muscular, the chart will be inaccurate for you.

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