How Much Water Should I Drink to Lose Weight? How to Calculate Daily Water Intake for Diet and Weight Loss, Weight Loss Effects of Water
How Much Water Should I Drink to Lose Weight?
Weight loss effects of water: how to figure out your daily water intake for diet and weight loss.
To stay adequately hydrated, you should drink approximately three quarts (96 ounces) of water a day. For weight loss, you should drink an additional 8 ounces of water for every 25 pounds you are over your ideal body weight.
Also, water consumption should be increased in hot climates or during vigorous exercise.
The Research
Research on Effects of Water on Weight Loss
A Virginia Tech study found that people who drank two eight-ounce servings of water before eating food lost weight.
Brenda Davy, PhD, the head author of the study, went as far as deeming it an effective weight loss strategy.
♥ Essentially, what the researchers found, people who downed the water before consuming their food ate 75 to 90 less calories each meal.
The Facts
Facts About Water and Weight Loss
- ♥ Water will not cause you to lose weight alone.
- ♥ Weight loss always requires modification of your daily calorie intake.
- ♥ While hydration may make this process more efficient, to lose weight, you need to reduce calories below your maintenance level.
The Benefits
Benefits of Water for Weight Loss
- ♥ Improves endocrine (hormone) function.
- ♥ Increases metabolic function.
- ♥ Drastically declined appetite.
- ♥ Increases fat used for energy.
- ♥ Liver function improves.
- ♥ Decreases fluid retention.
- ♥ Increases natural thirst.
Drinking Ice Water
Drinking Ice Water to Melt the Pounds Away?
Yes, drinking ice water can cause your body to burn more calories. This happens because your body works to warm itself up after drinking it.
♥ However, upon further research your body will only burn around a hundred additional calories after drinking an entire gallon of ice water.
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