Bodyweight Workout: Best Training and Bodyweight Exercises
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Bodyweight Workout: HomeLooking for the best bodyweight exercises? Find simple to follow movements for bodyweight training here.
Perform three days a week with one day of rest between workouts (i.e., Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
For optimal results, each exercise should challenge your muscles. However, you first should start with lighter weights till you properly learn each movement pattern. Once mastered, select the amount of weight that causes you to fatigue during the specified reps below. For example, if an exercise calls for 12 reps, your goal is to find a weight that causes you to fatigue during the 12th rep in proper form. As you get stronger you should increase the weight for the best outcome.
Strength training at the gym or taking a class at a fitness studio is great, but sometimes you just want to workout at home—or on vacation, or on a business trip, or wherever you happen to be. While most of us don't have 24-hour access to a full-service gym stocked with weights and machines, the truth is that you can work your entire body without them. Of course, equipment can be beneficial in terms of progressing and diversifying a workout program. A workout using your bodyweight, on the other hand, allows you to simply get moving and do some strength and cardio work wherever you are.
Use proper form. Take time to learn how to properly perform each exercise. Lifting weights effectively requires you to move through the entire range of motion without pain. The better your form, the less likely you are to injure yourself. If you can't maintain good form, reduce the weight, or the number of repetitions. Remember that proper form is important even when picking up weights or returning them to the rack.
If you're unsure whether you're performing an exercise correctly, seek advice from a personal trainer or other fitness professional.
Please consult with a doctor before starting any workout or fitness program. This is especially important if you haven't exercised in a long time, if you have any health concerns, if you're pregnant, or if you're an older adult. Please speak with your doctor to determine the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you.