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Kneeling Stability Ball Chest and Shoulder Stretch


How to Do

How to Do Kneeling Stability Ball Chest and Shoulder Stretch

The kneeling stability ball chest and shoulder stretch should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the kneeling stability ball chest and shoulder stretch.


Beginning Chest and Shoulder Stretches

1. To gently guide the movement, place one hand on your shoulder and the other above your ear.

2. Bring your chin closer to your chest.

3. To stretch your right shoulder, gently tilt your head to the left.

4. This position can be held for up to a minute.

5. Rep the process on the other side.


Chest and Shoulder Stretches Movement

1. Start this exercise by laying on all fours. Your arms should be in a straight line with your palms flat on the ground. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees so your legs come straight back of you. Your knees and toes should be on the ground.

2. Take your right arm, and place it on a stability ball so that your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle and your forearm is resting on the stability ball.

3. Allow your body to drop while keeping your arm on the stability ball. Drop in a slow and controlled motion until a stretch is achieved. Maintain the pose for the allotted amount of time and then switch sides.


Chest and Shoulder Stretches Benefits

The pectoral stretch is used to lengthen chest muscles so that better posture feels natural and pleasant. Little lengthening can occur if you simply hold your elbow to the side. The goal of changing positions is to extend the anterior front muscles that cross the chest.

Exercise Aliases

PNF Chest Stretch, Kneeling Chest Stretch, Stability Ball Stretches.

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