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Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension Standing on Single Leg, Tricep Curls, Get My Free Fitness App


How to Do

How to Do Overhead Triceps Extension using Dumbbells Standing on Single Leg Triceps Curls

Starting this exercise, you will be standing up tall. Shoulders back, chest out, back straight and not curved, and head looking straight.

Each overhead triceps extension using dumbbells standing on single leg triceps curls should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this overhead triceps extension using dumbbells standing on single leg triceps curls.


Beginning Overhead Triceps Extension using Dumbbells

For this exercise, instead of a staggered stance, you will be using only one leg at a time placing all of your balance on one leg at a time.


Overhead Triceps Extension using Dumbbells Movement

1. Start off by standing with your back straight, head forward, and chest out. Once you have your balance begin to lift one leg in front of you slightly bending at the knee. From there, you may begin the exercise progression stated in the previous exercise.

2. With your arms straight over your head, you are going to bend your arms back using your elbow until your arm forms a 90 degree angle.

3. Control the dumbbells coming down and give a slight pause when you reach the bottom of the exercise.

4. After a very brief pause, you are going to lift the weights back up to the straight position with control and strength. That is one repetition.


Overhead Triceps Extension using Dumbbells Benefits

The main advantage of the overhead triceps extension is the triceps hypertrophy that occurs as a result of the exercise. The triceps extension, unlike other triceps exercises, engages all three heads of the triceps, meaning your entire triceps will become stronger as a result of this exercise.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Elbow Extensions, Dumbbell Elbow Extensions, Uprising Elbow Extensions, Overhead Elbow Extensions, Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

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