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Four Quadrant Hops


How to Do

How to Do Four Quadrant Hops

Each four quadrant hops should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this four quadrant hops.


Beginning Four Quadrant Hops

1. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm-up before starting this exercise, thus engaging the nervous system.

2. Begin with shoulder blades back and down, and neutral spine angles. Keep the belly tight by drawing the belly button towards the spine.

3. Create four well-marked quadrants on the floor (colored tape works well).


Four Quadrant Hops Movement

1. With feet together, hop forward, then diagonally back, then straight forward, and then diagonally back to starting position.

2. Ensure that you land evenly on both toes, and that footprint consistency is there for every landing.

3. Make sure that you are decelerating through the hips, knees and ankles.

4. Increases neuromuscular demand by adding a reactive component to the exercise.


Four Quadrant Hops Benefits

Increase your strength and power.

Develop Muscle.

Specific to sports.

Injury avoidance.

Enhance biomechanics.

Boost your heart rate and burn fat.


Exercise Aliases

How To Do Four Quadrant Hops, Four Hops, Hops Exercise, Hop Exercises.

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