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Overhead Rope Tricep Extension


How to Do

How to Do Tricep Extension with Overhead Rope

Attach a rope to the high pulley of a cable machine stand with your back to the cable machine, grab each end of the rope with one hand lean forward and stagger your stance by placing one foot behind the other.


Beginning Tricep Extension with Overhead Rope

Hold the rope over your head with your elbows in front pointed forwards and arms bent keeping your upper arms locked down without moving.


Tricep Extension with Overhead Rope Movement

1. Extend your arms in front of you by contracting your triceps.

2. Slowly reverse the movement back to the starting position and repeat


Tricep Extension with Overhead Rope Benefits

Tricep extensions are a great way to strengthen and sculpt your upper posterior arm muscles. Your triceps are activated whenever you utilize your arms. Building strong arms, including the triceps, can help you become more functional and stronger in your daily chores.

Exercise Aliases

Overhead Cable Triceps, Cable Rope Overhead Tricep, Rope Tricep Overhead Extension, Standing Overhead Cable Triceps.

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