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Seated Oblique Cable Twist


How to Do

How to Do a Seated Oblique Cable Twist

The seated oblique cable twist should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the seated oblique cable twist.


Beginning Seated Oblique Cable Twist

1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (easier) or lifted off the floor (more difficult) (more difficult). Try tucking your feet beneath a stable item if you're having trouble maintaining the position.

2. Sit at a 45-degree angle and contract your abs.

3. With both hands, hold the medicine ball directly in front of you.


Seated Oblique Cable Twist Movement

1. Start off by sitting on a stability ball so that the free range machine is at a medium height and to your immediate right.

2. Sit on the stability ball with a straight spine and your feet in a wide stance.

3. Both of your arms are going to be straight and coming across the right side of your body so that you grab the handle of the free motion machine with an interlocking grip.

4. From this position, rotate with your hips and arms and bring your arms to the opposing side of your body.

5. Return from this position in a slow and controlled motion and repeat for repetitions.


Seated Oblique Cable Twist Benefits

The oblique twist is a wonderful core workout that works a lot of muscles. It not only works the rectus abdominis, but it also works the external and internal obliques. The use of a weight, medicine ball, or stability ball provides strain to the core muscles, providing them a good workout.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Sitting Cable Rotations, Sideways Cable Pull, Cable Machine Rotations, Double Arm Cable Rotation, Seated Trunk Rotations

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