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Seated Resistance Band Row


How to Do

How to Do Row With a Resistance Band While Seated

Be sure neither person is being too aggressive on the movement. Keep the motion slow and controlled. Do not allow the bands to cross.


Beginning Rowing With a Resistance Band While Seated

Sit on a comfortably heightened bench with your training partner across from you either sitting on a surface of the same height or in a kneeling position. Then both of you grab one band in each hand or attach the pulley to a fixed surface.


Rowing With a Resistance Band While Seated Movement

1. Train your partner to remain still while you row pulls the weight inward towards your chest, or use a stable fixed surface.

2. Once you have completed the movement, slowly, let the handles return to their starting position and repeat.


Rowing With a Resistance Band While Seated Benefits

This workout will tone and strengthen your upper body, which is necessary for daily activities such as tugging. A strong upper body improves posture, protects the shoulders, and lowers the chance of injury.

Exercise Aliases

Resistance Band Exercises, Resistance Band Seated, Seated Cable Row, Row (Weight-lifting).

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