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Side Angle Pose Yoga


How to Do

How to Do Side Angle Pose Yoga

This yoga exercise may be performed by healthy exercisers who have good CORE strength and adequate flexibility in the hips and legs. They should also be able to perform a lunge and balance in this pose.

Maintain good form throughout this exercise.

Be aware of how your body responds to this exercise. It should be challenging, but not forced.

Should any pain or discomfort be encountered during this exercise, discontinue it immediately.


Beginning Side Angle Pose Yoga

1. Stand tall with shoulders rolled back and both feet positioned hip-width apart.

2. Suck in the tummy in an effort to make the navel touch the spine.

3. Inhale deeply.


Side Angle Pose Yoga Movement

1. Exhale and take one big step to the left; the distance between both feet should be about 3 feet wide. The left foot should point to the left side while the right foot is pointing straight ahead.

2. Raise both arms out to the side at shoulder-height in a T formation.

3. Perform a lunge by bending the right knee to a 90 degree angle. The right thigh should be parallel to the floor.

4. Bend from the waist to the right side placing the right hand on the floor just inside the right foot. The left arm should be extended straight up towards the ceiling.

5. Hold this position for 3-5 breaths.

6. Come back to your original position and then repeat on the opposing side.


Side Angle Pose Yoga Benefits

The Side Angle Pose is an intermediate exercise that improves flexibility throughout the legs and hips.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Side Angle Pose, Yoga Pose, Side Angle Yoga, Calf Stretch, Leg Stretch, Static Calf Stretch.

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