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Swiss Ball Back Extension With Opposite Arm and Leg


How to Do

How to Do Swiss Ball Back Extension With Opposite Arm and Leg

The swiss ball back extension with opposite arm and leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the swiss ball back extension with the opposite arm and leg.


Beginning Swiss Ball Back Extension

1. Lie facedown on a stability ball with your hands behind your head and your feet against anything solid.

2. Squeeze your glutes and elevate your torso to form a straight line with your body.

3. Hold for a second or two. Slowly return to the beginning.


Swiss Ball Back Extension Movement

1. Start off by laying on all fours over a stability ball.

2. The stability ball will be under your stomach while both of your hands will be straight before you with palms flat on the ground. Your knees will rest on the ground with your feet extended behind you, toes pressed into the floor.

3. From this position, lift one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously off of the ground.

4. Both your arm and leg should be straight in the air, parallel off of the ground.

5. Return your arm and leg back to the starting position and alternate limbs that you lift. Repeat for repetitions.


Swiss Ball Back Extension Benefits

Strengthen your core muscles.

Strengthen your spine's endurance.

Improve the flexibility of your spine.

Improve your balance and posture.

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