Fitness Tips: Easy Physical Activity Steps to Reach Your Fit Goals, Beginner to Expert Tricks

Fitness Tips

Easy physical activity steps to achieve your fitness goals below, beginner to expert physical fitness tricks.

Whatever your health aspirations are, these physical activity tips and tricks will assist you in achieving them. We’ve included our best physical activity tips into an easy-to-follow list below. You don't have to follow them all, but try integrating a few physical activity tips into your routine each week and see how your health improves.

If you're a beginner at working out or thinking about adding fitness into your lifestyle, first, congratulations. Deciding to become more active is a good first step in reaping all the wonderful benefits of exercise.

However, after you've decided to start working out, things might seem a little daunting. It's difficult to know how to begin with all the talk about the perfect workout to perform or the ideal amount of time you need to spend at the gym.

Try these simple physical activity tips and techniques for building strength, gaining lean muscle, losing fat, increasing endurance, and maintaining good eating habits that you can start today, one step at a time.

Eat to Fuel, Not for Comfort

1st Physical Activity Tip

Do you struggle with emotional eating or using food as a reward?

♥ Either way, write down a list of planned exercises that you will use instead.

♥ Next time you have a bad day, try going for a walk, reading your favorite book, or petting your animals.

Competition On

2nd Physical Activity Tip

Social support from your closest loved one can make all the difference.

You can even challenge them to a friendly fast weight loss competition to really get the love juices flowing.

Write It Down

3rd Physical Activity Tip

To increase your fitness successes, write it down.

Research reveals that those who write down their daily goals have a much greater likelihood of achievement.

♥ Thus, every single day commit to writing down your fitness goals and you will drastically increase your chances of success.

Fitness Role Model

4th Physical Activity Tip

Find a fitness role model in picture form, cut them out and attach them to your fridge.

Don't be afraid to talk with them about your goals. They must listen and will never interrupt.

Partner In Crime

5th Physical Activity Tip

Get a workout partner and hold each other accountable.

Ally in Change

6th Physical Activity Tip

Find a friend that has similar goals as you or is interested in your success. Schedule a weekly email or phone call with them on a set day. Commit to it every week.

Reward Your Efforts

7th Physical Activity Tip

Write down your weekly goals and how you plan on rewarding yourself once you reach them. A shopping trip, massage, whatever gets you excited and is an appropriate reward for your efforts should be the aim.

♥ Update your goals and rewards weekly.

Measure Those Love Handles

8th Physical Activity Tip

Track your weight weekly and include tape measurements around your "problem areas". This will give you a much more accurate picture of your progress than weight alone.

♥ Ideally, include tracking of your body fat to really gauge your progress.

Doing so will help keep you on your path to a slimmer you and will help you recognize real plateaus.

Continue to Stay Active

9th Physical Activity Tip

Don't give up on your physical exercise program.

♥ Find an exercise partner or a new class to help you stay interested.

Avoiding Plateaus

10th Physical Activity Tip

Switch up your routine when your progress slows or when you get bored with it.

♥ You don't want your routine to get stale.

♥ Usually, you want to change things up when you feel ready for something different or if your progress slows. That usually happens every month or so.

Curb Your Appetite With Activity

11th Physical Activity Tip

Research has shown that a brisk walk can curb your food cravings. Can that burger and walk instead.

Join a Likeminded Group or a Few

12th Physical Activity Tip

Join an intramural or city league of an exercise that you love competing in.

♥ Get involved with groups that get you moving or are committed to the same changes as you, like a support group.

Go Heavy or Go Home

13th Physical Activity Tip

Heavier weight training almost always works better for long-term fat loss because it elevates your metabolic rate.

♥ You really want to select a weight that will challenge you for the specified reps that you can complete in good form.

♥ In other words, you want to select a weight that will cause you to fatigue around the last couple of reps.

Turn House Chores Into an Olympic Event

14th Physical Activity Tip

Clean with speed and focus on raising your heart rate while doing yard work or even sweeping your hardwood floors.

♥ Researchers have appropriately named these types of actions as incidental physical exercises (IPA) and found that 30 minutes a day can have significant long-term health benefits, maybe even helping keep the doctor away.

♥ The higher the intensity, the greater the benefit. Who needs to hit the gym? Vigorously scrub, sweep and mow the lawn for the best results.

Up-and-downs at Work

15th Physical Activity Tip

Most Americans work desk jobs and are seated for far too many hours in the day.

♥ If that includes you, break it up with movement.

♥ Every time the phone rings, stand up and answer it.

♥ Scratch drafting that long email replay, set forth to your coworker's desk and use words.

♥ Walk to the copy machine or water dispenser every hour.

♥ Stand and sit down as frequently as you can: just don't freak out your fellow employees. Tell them why you are doing this. You might even enlist their support and could start a mini-exercise club during breaks.

♥ An energized staff is a productive one.

My Best Friend Stinks and Loves to Cuddle

16th Physical Activity Tip

Yes, I'm referring to my American Pit-Bull Terrier, Zeus. He truly is the most loyal workout companion I've ever had. Rain or shine, he knows when it's walk time and does not let me forget about it.

♥ Set aside a specific walk time every day with your doggy.

By doing so, once your pooch gets into the pattern, you both will be off to a heather habit. Woof.

Avoid Exercise Overload

17th Physical Activity Tip

Formulate a plan that works with your lifestyle and that is not going to cause you to burn out in a few months' time or less.

Start with a smaller commitment to weekly movement and increase those numbers as you progress.

Supercharge Your Results With High Intensity Training

18th Physical Activity Tip

Quick, high intensity workout routines are typically more effective for a couple of reasons. One, they burn more calories and two, they are more realistic based on time constraints. Yes, that even goes for aerobic and cardio routines.

♥ Long, low intensity cardio routines are inefficient and seldom a good workout choice for busy individuals.

Increase Your Daily Exercise With Simple Changes That Make You Move More

19th Physical Activity Tip

You know these: take the stairs, park further away, ride your bike to work, walk your furry friend daily, to name a few.

Get Your Kids Involved

20th Physical Activity Tip

No one is as busy as parents these days and finding time to exercise can be disastrous.

♥ Try including your kids into your routine by playing tag or chasing them around the house.

♥ You can really focus on any exercise with them that will get your heart rate up. The higher it goes, the more calories you will burn.

A Vacation Away From Fitness

21st Physical Activity Tip

Try taking a break from structured exercise every 6 months or yearly. This should be a planned break and used not only to break plateaus, but also as a re-motivator.

Only One Set, What

22nd Physical Activity Tip

If you are having problems sticking with a weight training routine due to time constraints, I would recommend focusing on one set per exercise and pushing yourself to fatigue during your next exercise plan.

♥ Research has shown you can still get great results.

♥ This will save you a lot of time and makes following a structured strength training routine a whole lot easier.

It's Bigger Than External

23rd Physical Activity Tip

Think outside the external and aesthetic benefits of fitness.

♥ Focus on why you want to do this.

♥ What are your internal motivators, improved health, longevity?

Focus on Changing a Few Behaviors Per Week and Building Upon Those Accomplishments

24th Physical Activity Tip

Be realistic and set attainable goals. If you fall short, learn from your mistakes and implement new strategies each week.

You can do it.

Set Time Aside Daily to Visual Yourself Reaching Your Short and Long-term Goals

25th Physical Activity Tip

You know, you can just about do anything if you want it bad enough.

Do you see the new you, yet?

Own It

26th Physical Activity Tip

Take ownership of your behaviors and avoid excuses.

You, and only you, are in control of your progress.

Enlist some support from your friends.

By doing so you are much more likely to reach your goals than by doing it alone.

Tell People About Your Goals

27th Physical Activity Tip

You will increase your odds of following through just by telling others about your goals.

♥ Try to talk about them daily.

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