Target Heart Rate Definition: Understanding How to Measure for Resting Heart Rate, Exercise and Maximum

Target Heart Rate Definition

Target heart rate defined, how to measure heart for physical activity, maximum output and resting heart rate.

Basic Definition

Definition of Target Heart Rate

The targets for heart rate are the desired range of heart beats per minute that usually elicits the most benefit from working out. It is also known as the training heart rate. Recommendations for this range are dependent on age, gender, physical condition, and one’s previous training.

Heart rate recording can be stored into the memory of a microcomputer with a transmitter and receiver, which is easily portable and can be worn on the wrist.

Normally during exercise, the heart rate varies depending on the intensity. These changes can easily be measured using radiotelemetry and continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) recording.

Why It Is Important

Why It Is Important to Know Your Heart Rate Targets

Target heart rate numbers are used as a tool for exercise prescription. Results from the recordings are important in planning optimal training. This is especially important for athletes and applies to anyone else interested in exercise.

Monitoring intensity is also done to avoid overtraining and to accurately set max limits; for example, high speed cycling does not accurately indicate the intensity of exercise. Hence the monitoring of training heart rate by the prescribed methods.

Medical professionals also use heart rate measurements to help diagnose and track medical conditions.

Calculation Abbreviations

HR = Heart Rate
Max HR = Maximum Heart Rate
HRmax = Maximum Heart Rate
HRrest = Resting Heart Rate
THR = Target Heart Rate
BPM = Beats Per Minute

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