One-rep Max Chart: Calculate Your One-repetition Maximum (1rm) for Any Exercise or Single Lift

One-rep Max Chart

Calculate your one-repetition maximum (1rm) for any exercise or single lift using the chart below.

The Definition

 One-repetition Maximum (1RM) Chart Definition 

1RM is the maximum weight one can lift on a particular exercise for a single repetition. Apart from being a measure of strength, it is sometimes used to determine fitness levels. The max one-rep calculation can also help while planning the weight one should lift. Supervision is recommended while performing since it can be dangerous. Testing of strength can be done in a laboratory and different tests have evolved. The one-repetition maximum is also known as the maximum load (1RM) and one-rep max.

How To Use

One-repetition Maximum Chart, How to Estimate

How to calculate 1RM using the below table.

♥ Weight lifted × chart number (located under exercise type and reps completed) = 1RM.

Let’s take an example of someone who benches 250 lbs. for 6 repetitions. The 1RM is calculated as:

♥ 250 lbs. × 1.18 = 295 lbs. (this is the projected 1RM).

The Table 

One-repetition Maximum Chart

Here is a simple chart that you can use.

Repetitions Squat Bench press Deadlift
1 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 1.0475 1.035 1.065
3 1.13 1.08 1.13
4 1.1575 1.115 1.147
5 1.2 1.15 1.164
6 1.242 1.18 1.181
7 1.284 1.22 1.198
8 1.326 1.255 1.232
9 1.368 1.29 1.232
10 1.41 1.325 1.24


Alternatively, another chart has been developed that does not require any calculations.

Table Without Calculation

 One-repetition Maximum Chart Without Calculation

Let’s look at our previous example that we calculated above to see if we obtain similar results.

♥ Weight lifted: 250 lbs. for 6 repetitions.

The repetitions appear on the top row while the weights are on the subsequent rows and columns. In our case, we map 250 lbs. on the first column (almost at the end of the table, marked yellow). Then we find the 6th repetition on the first row, move along the column, and row until fingers meet in a single cell. In our example, this brings us to 295 (marked red). This is the same 1RM we found earlier.

Other Common Formulas

Some Other Common Formulas for Calculating Maximum Load (1rm)

Brzycki’s Equation (1993) One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = Weight ÷ (1.0278 – (0.0278 × number of repetitions))

Baechle Equation (2000) One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = Weight × (1 + (0.033 × number of repetition))

Lander’s Formula One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = (100 × Weight) ÷ (101.3 – 2.67123 × number of repetitions)

O'Connor's Formula One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = weight × (1 + 0.025 × number of repetitions)

Mayhew Et. Al Formula One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = (100 × Weight) ÷ (52.2 + (41.9 × e-0.055 × number of repetitions))

Wathan’s Formula One-repetition Maximum

♥ 1RM = (100 × Weight) ÷ (48.8 + (53.8 × e-0.075 × number of repetitions))

Bench Test

One-rep Max Bench

Here is how to run the bench press test. It requires a spotter, bench, barbell, and weights.

1. Athlete warms up for about 10 minutes.

2. The spotter counts the number of bench presses that are done successfully.

3. Next, the athlete bench presses until they are unable to do it anymore.

4. The spotter counts the number of benches that are done successfully.

5. If the number of bench presses exceeds 8, the athlete is allowed to rest for ten minutes while the weight is increased. The test is repeated.

Using the maximum load calculator, the instructor can then calculate the one-repetition max for the athlete.

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