Benefits of Aerobic Exercise: What Is It, Simple Examples, Top Health Reasons Cardio Is Important

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise health benefits: easy-to-follow examples, and top health advantages of cardiovascular exercise.

These days, exercising has become more and more important as people are getting heavier and the obesity problem is worsening in America. I'm sure you know what I mean.

In fact, it has become such an epidemic that there are now a lot of government initiatives that encourage people to exercise regularly, to stay healthy, and to prevent heart disease and other serious medical conditions.

Everybody already knows that exercise is important and most of us need to move more for a healthier life. In fact, study after clinical study has told us just that. However, fewer people know why it’s so vital or even where to start. Well, let’s begin at the source.

ACSM Recommendations

Aerobic Exercise Health Benefits Advice

♥ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American College of Sports Medicine advocate that you take part in a combined 30 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic or anaerobic activity most days out of the week.

What does that mean for you?

♥ Based on the intensity and your typical hour-long strength training and cardio program, that usually works out at three to five sessions each week.

Improving Health

Top Health Aerobic Exercise Health Benefits

Why are aerobic and anaerobic activities so vital to your health?

Exercise is a very simple and inexpensive method to prevent many diseases that people die from every year.

Additionally, there are many diseases that are related to an unhealthy lifestyle and they could be prevented by simply exercising regularly.

At Home

Aerobic Exercise Health Benefits at Home

You don’t need to join a gym to do cardio or to exercise. You can simply walk or run in your neighborhood three to five times per week (this is a good form of aerobic exercise).

Furthermore, there are also several other simple and fun ways to exercise. You can join a local sports club, play tennis, do yoga or attend dance classes.

Also, did you know that most forms of aerobic exercise will strengthen your bones? This is important for older people and many women.

♥ The impact that your body takes from the exercise will help to strengthen your overall system (regarding bone density and stronger muscles).

On the opposite end of the spectrum, water aerobics is also a great exercise for people that want to start with something easier on their joints or if they simply prefer being in the water.

Our Recommendations

Recommendations for Aerobic Exercise

♥ I strongly recommend that you find exercises that work best for you and your lifestyle.

♥ Try to pick something that you enjoy now and that has the highest likelihood of you keeping it in your weekly schedule long-term.

Preventing Health Issues

Health Issues Vs. Aerobic Exercise Health Benefits

On the opposite end of the scale is the possibility of so many health issues. Frankly, no one feels good when they’re not in the condition that they should be.

A sedentary life should not be an option for you.

It makes perfect sense to look after your body and exercise regularly, even if you have a long way to go. Stop and think about how much better you will feel from today on.

You simply deserve to live vigorously and to feel your best.

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