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Horizontal Cable Woodchop


How to Do

How to Do Horizontal Cable Wood chop

The horizontal cable wood chop should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the horizontal cable wood chop.


Beginning Horizontal Cable Wood chop

1. Place your body in such a way that the cable movement is downward and across your body, as if you were chopping down a tree.

2. Place your feet comfortably apart and both hands on the cable handle above one shoulder.


Horizontal Cable Wood chop Movement

1. Swing the gripped handle across your body until it reaches the opposite thigh. You can pivot from your ankle and rotate your hips and knees slightly.

2. Allow the cable weight to retract the handle to the starting position at the end position.

3. Do 8 to 10 repetitions on each side of the body, then switch your stance and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.


Horizontal Cable Wood chop Benefits

The transverse abdominis and oblique muscles are targeted by the cable wood chop. These muscles allow you to rotate at the waist and hit a bat or racket with your entire body weight rather than simply your arms. The wood chop also works your back, shoulders, and legs muscles.

Exercise Aliases

Cable Wood Chop.

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