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Vertical Leg Crunch


How to Do

How to Do Vertical Leg Crunches

The vertical leg crunches should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the vertical leg crunches.


Beginning Vertical Leg Crunches

1. Fold your hands behind your back and behind your neck.

2. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, with your knees slightly bent. Maintain a flat lower spine on the floor.

3. In order to prepare for the lift, contract your abs.


Vertical Leg Crunches Movement

1. Start by curling your upper body slightly and elevating your shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale while moving upwards. Maintain a straight and upward-pointing posture with your legs; do not sway or list to one side.

2. Using your core muscles, continue curling your body upward. Keep your chin up and don't lead with your head by pulling on the neck.

3. Pause and hold the position for a few seconds once your shoulder blades are off the floor.

4. Slowly uncurl the upper body to begin lowering it. Inhale while moving your head downward. Allowing your legs to swing or tumble to the floor is not a good idea. This should be a controlled and gentle descent.

5. Maintain the fixed starting position of your legs.

6. Perform three sets of 12 to 16 reps each.


Vertical Leg Crunches Benefits

The vertical leg crunch is efficient for engaging the lower back extensors, transverse abdominals, and even the external and internal obliques, in addition to the rectus abdominis.

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