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Sliding Hip Abduction to Overhead Press


How to Do

How to Do Sliding Hip Abduction to Overhead Press

TRAINERS: watch for and correct: external rotation in the foot, the excessive arch in the lumbar spine as the client presses weight above head, and difficulty abducting or adducting the legs through this movement this may indicate weakness in either the adductors or glutes and an easier exercise may be required.

Each exercise should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this exercise.


Beginning Hip Abduction to Overhead Press

1. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades back and down, good stability through the belly, keeping the belly tight by drawing the belly button towards the spine. Then, contract the pelvic floor by tightening the same muscles that are commonly used to stop the flow of urine. Also, maintain neutral spine angles.

2. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise. This engages the nervous system.

3. Start with LIGHT dumbbells and have feet together, pointing forward; hands by the ears, palms facing forward.


Hip Abduction to Overhead Press Movement

1. Start at one end of the Reebok slide.

2. Simultaneously, move one leg away from the body's center, without externally rotating the thigh, and perform a shoulder press.

3. Maintain stiffness in the core and SLOWLY return to the starting position.

4. Perform the desired number of reps and switch sides.


Hip Abduction to Overhead Press Benefits

The hip abductor muscles aid in the movement of your leg to the side and away from your body. They also aid in pelvic support when standing on one leg. When these muscles are weak, your balance and mobility suffer. Because of the instability, it can also cause low back pain.

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