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Straight Leg Glute Bridge, Get My Free Fitness App


How to Do

How to Do Glute Bridge with Straight Legs

Maintain form throughout each phase of the movement.

Keep the shoulders pressed to the floor.

If cramping occurs in the back of the thighs, reposition the pelvis and/or stretch the thigh muscles.


Beginning Glute Bridge with Straight Legs

1. Lie flat on the back and bend the knees. The feet should be flat on the floor, with about two fists in the distance between them. The toes should be pointing straight ahead.

2. The arms should lie straight along either side of the body with the palms facing upward.

3. Draw in the tummy bringing the belly button towards the spine. Squeeze the hips together. Hold this posture throughout the movement.


Glute Bridge with Straight Legs Movement

1. Press the knees together and extend one leg out straight.

2. Slowly lift the hips off the floor until the back is straight. Do not overextend.

3. Hold briefly and then slowly lower the hips back to the starting position. Allow brief pauses between each repetition.

4. Perform the bridges until you've completed your repetitions and then continue with the opposite leg extended.


Glute Bridge with Straight Legs Benefits

Increase your lower back strength and core stability by strengthening your posterior chain. The glute bridge can assist improve the vitality of muscles surrounding your spinal column, which improves your posture, when performed correctly and with good form.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do a Single Leg Bridge, One Leg Bridge Exercise, Butt Lift.

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