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Squat With Lateral Raise Using Dumbbells, Get My Free Fitness App


How to Do

How to Do Squats With Lateral Raises Using Dumbbells

This exercise may be performed by healthy exercisers with excellent CORE stability, flexibility, and strength throughout the body.

Any muscle tightness or weakness must be addressed before attempting this exercise.

Be certain to perform this exercise as long as good form and balance are maintained throughout.
Discontinue this exercise if the knees cannot maintain good alignment.

To make this exercise more challenging, use heavier dumbbells, close the eyes, and/or increase the number of repetitions.


Beginning Lateral Raise Squat

Perform a 3-5 minute warm-up using cardio exercises and active stretching.

Grasp a lightweight dumbbell in both hands.

Position both feet hip-width apart.

Suck in the tummy, drawing the navel towards the spine. Keep the chest high.


Lateral Raise Squat Movement

1. Keeping the eyes focused straight ahead, lower into a squat.

2. As you return to the starting position, perform a lateral raise with both arms.

3. Once you are standing tall, lower both arms to your sides. This completes one repetition.

4. Perform the desired number of repetitions making sure that both feet remain firmly planted on the floor with toes pointing straight ahead.


Lateral Raise Squat Benefits

Lateral Raise Integrated Squat is an intermediate exercise that increases strength, stability, and power in the entire body.

Exercise Aliases

Dumbbell Lateral Raise Squats, Squat with Lateral Raises, How to do Squat Lateral Raise Exercise.

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