Healthy Weight Loss: Healthy Diet and Weight Management Tips You Can Use Today

Healthy Weight Loss

Science based tips to lose weight fast, best strategies and behavior you can use today.

Health-based weight loss is more than simply following a diet or popular weight loss program. It is about creating a new way of living that includes improvements in your daily diet, behaviors, and activity levels that you can maintain long-term.

Styles Survey on Best Ways to Lose Weight

Thirteen strategies, or tips for easy weight loss success, suggested by researchers during the Styles Surveys from nearly 2000 American adults included:

1. Reducing the amount of food you eat - follow a healthy diet.

2. Exercise an average of at least 30 minutes a day for healthy weight management.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables for healthy loss of weight.

4. Eat reduced calorie products for simple weight loss.

5. Reduce high carbohydrate foods like bread or potatoes for weight reduction.

6. Eat smaller portion sizes for basic weight reduction.

7. Cut out sweetened beverages for a healthier diet.

8. Eat reduced-carbohydrate food products.

9. Eat reduced-fat products for losing weight.

10. Count calories for healthy weight reduction.

11. Reduce sedentary activities for better overall health and weight loss.

12. Incorporate physical exercise into daily routines for overall weight loss.

13. Use an Internet website with an individualized diet and exercise program.

Now, let's be honest, which of those sounds particularly difficult?

Exactly, none.

Mix Strategies

And yet the results of the 2004 Styles surveys found that 31% of the 1,958 responders sampled had used a mix of those strategies and had successfully lost weight and maintained that loss.

Weight Control

Interestingly, though, the five most common weight control behaviors (reduced amount of food consumed, more fruits and vegetables consumed, smaller portions, fewer fatty foods, and no sweetened beverages) didn't differ significantly between successful and unsuccessful weight losers.

In contrast, a significantly higher proportion of successful weight losers reported exercising 30 minutes or more a day (46.9% versus 37.5%) and adding physical exercise to their daily routine (46.7% versus 34.8%).

However, the most telling statistic from the 2004 Styles surveys is the one that revealed that the odds of becoming a successful weight loser we're 48%-76% lower for those reporting barriers to exercise (e.g., no time, too tired to exercise, no one to exercise with, too hard to maintain exercise routine) as part of their unsuccessful weight loss attempts.

Planning Meals

Another very interesting conclusion stemming from the surveys is the fact that the number of successful weight losers who planned their meals was considerable (35.9% compared to 24.8%) as were those who tracked calories (17.7% versus 8.8%) and tracked fat (16.4% compared with 6.5%).

Successful weight losers also reported measuring the amount of food on their plate (15.8% against 6.7%) and weighing themselves every day (20.3 % versus 11.0%).


♥ The conclusion we can draw from the 2004 Styles surveys is that self-monitoring strategies such as weighing oneself, planning meals, tracking fat and calories, exercising 30 minutes or more daily, and/or adding physical exercise to daily routine is crucial to successful weight loss and subsequent weight-off maintenance.

All of which indicates that using Internet websites such as could be the sort of easy weight loss tips aspiring weight watchers could benefit from.

Because the team at have been at the forefront of providing successful weight loss programs that combine both balanced eating and exercise for thousands of dieters for several years now.

By encouraging self-monitoring in tandem with one-to-one online coaching and nutritional support, the professional experts at can help ensure that the daily attempt to lose weight and then maintain a healthy weight coincide with a doable regimen that suits the individual and their personal circumstances.

If you are looking for an easy diet for weight loss or tips for easy weight management, then look no further than where you can find out just how easy attaining a healthy weight and healthy lifestyle can be.

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