Weight Loss Myths: Debunking the Worst Misconceptions and Big Fat Lies With Facts

Weight Loss Myths

Weight loss misconceptions and facts: dispelling the biggest myths and blatant falsehoods about losing weight.

Below you will find our top five least favorite myths about weight loss.

First, we start by myth busting misconceptions about diet and weight loss.

Late Night Eating

Weight Loss Misconceptions About Late Night Eating

First weight loss lie: don't eat anything after 8pm.

This weight control myth drives me nuts and makes me a little hungry at the same time.

Eating late at night does not, and I repeat, does not make you gain weight. Eating too many calories does.

Your body burns calories on a 24-hour basis, so you can eat as late as you need.

♥ Your only limitation should be calories, calories, and calories.

However, with that said, last night when you awoke to binge on Ben and Jerry's Butter Pecan Ice Cream, you blew your total calorie intake for that 24-hour period.

Cold Showers

Weight Loss Misconceptions About Cold Showers

Second weight loss lie: taking cold showers to lose weight?

Wow, the research was not even done with subjects taking showers; instead, they were in respiration chambers all day long.

I'm not sure how that connection was made.

Plus, the average increase in calorie burning from the people taking part in this study averaged out to only 76 additional calories daily.

♥ Don’t freeze your butt off based on this study. It won’t make that much difference for weight reduction except to leave you cold and cranky.

Toning Exercises

Slimming Down With Exercise Weight Loss Misconceptions

Third weight loss lie: tone your body with slimming exercises.

This exercise myth about weight loss drives me mad.

My personal favorite myth is spot reduction (how to lose stomach fat, for example) and the plethora of saddlebag toning, hip-reducing, bun-sculpting, belly-fat melting exercise products that make bazillions annually.

I will save you the hassle and hopefully some greenbacks with this little bit of enlightenment; spot reduction and toning with exercise, even via that snazzy ab blaster, is physically impossible.

♥ Ask any exercise physiologist. Burning more calories than you consume is the only sure way to lose those love handles.

Fasted Exercise

Fasted Exercise Weight Loss Misconceptions

Fourth weight loss lie: skipping breakfast to exercise while your body is fasting for faster weight loss.

Sure, just drink some coffee to break the lethargic feelings you are having while starving and running your butt off.

This may work for some, but running on empty typically leads to you burning fewer calories regardless of the exercise you are taking part in.

♥ For the best calorie burn, you should eat one to three hours before any exercise. It's simple; fuel up and you will burn more calories.

Low Intensity Cardio

Low Intensity Cardio Weight Loss Misconceptions

Fifth weight loss lie: low intensity cardio is more effective for fat burning.

Wrong. The most effective forms of cardiovascular movement, and any other form of exercise for that matter, are the types that burn the most calories. Hands down.

♥ For that reason, higher intensity cardio is always more effective.

High Rep Training

High Rep Weight Training Weight Loss Misconceptions

Six weight loss lie: high rep strength training is more effective for fat loss.

Nope, higher rep weight training makes you better at doing higher reps.

♥ Heavier strength training for women with reps in the 15-6 range yields the most physiological adaptations and flat-out burns more calories.

However, if your goals are to do high reps, maybe due to a sport, high rep training makes sense, otherwise load the dumbbell with some wheels.

Weight Training for Females

Weight Loss Misconceptions About Weight Training for Females

Seventh weight loss lie: heavier weight training will turn the average female into a gorilla; Jersey Shore-style.

False, females need heavier weight training for a multitude of reasons (i.e., osteoporosis prevention, strength training for weight loss) and don't have enough testosterone to blow up from pushing heavy iron.

Now, that's a situation even Pauly D. knows won't happen.

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