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Standing Bicep Cable Curl With Low Pulley and Alternating Arms


How to Do

How to Do Standing Bicep Cable Curl With Low Pulley and Alternating Arms

The standing biceps cable curl with low pulley and alternating arms should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the standing biceps cable curl with low pulley and alternating arms.


Beginning Cable Bicep Curl

1. With the sliding adjustment, adjust the cable machine at one end so that the cable is attached at the bottom.

2. The cable metal grip should be long enough for you to comfortably hold it in your hands, arms outstretched and palms up.


Cable Bicep Curl Movement

1. Place your feet firmly on the floor and stand comfortably.

2. Brace your abs, straighten your back, and maintain your head still.

3. Curl the cable weight toward your chest while exhaling. Only your forearms, which should rise up from the elbow, should move.

4. Hold for one second at the apex of the contraction.

5. Allow the cable weight to return the arms to their lower resting position by inhaling and unbending the arms at the elbow. Stop before the weights return to the stack, maintaining stress on the cable.

6. Carry out the specified number of repetitions (10 or 12 is a good number)


Cable Bicep Curl Benefits

  1. Build Arm Size. We will get the most obvious benefit out of the way first. ...
  2. Increase Arm Strength. In a similar fashion to our first point, Bicep curls isolate the muscles of the arm
  3. Develop Core and Hip Stability
  4. Develop Scapula and Shoulder Stability
  5. Increase Bone Strength
  6. Build Grip Strength

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