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Standing Single Arm Cable Curl on Low Pulley With One Leg


How to Do

How to Do Standing Single Arm Cable Curl on Low Pulley With One Leg

The standing single arm cable curl on low pulley with one leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the standing single arm cable curl on a low pulley with one leg.


Beginning One Arm Cable Curl

1. Slowly and deliberately carry out the maneuver.

2. With each rep, make sure to get all the way through the range of motion.

3. Throughout the movement, you should feel tightness in your biceps.


One Arm Cable Curl Movement

1. Stand in a staggered posture in front of an adjustable cable machine with the D-handle attachment on the lowest setting and your back to the machine. With your palm facing forward and your wrist completely extended, grab the handle behind your back. Your other hand should be on your hip.

2. Raise the handle to shoulder level by curling it upward. After a little pause, steadily lower the weight back to its starting position.


One Arm Cable Curl Benefits

The biceps brachii, a two-headed muscle on the front of your arm that combines into one muscular belly around the elbow, is the primary target of the cable curl. The brachialis, which resides beneath the biceps muscle, as well as the forearms and deltoids in the shoulders, are all worked out during this exercise.

Exercise Aliases

Standing One Arm Cable, Arm Low Pulley Cable.

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