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How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Reverse Woodchop Seated on Ball with Resistance Band

The single leg reverse woodchop seated on a ball with resistance band should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the single leg reverse woodchop seated on the ball with a resistance band.


Beginning Single Leg Reverse Woodchop Seated on Ball with Resistance Band

1. With a small bend in your knees, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell down and center underneath your tummy.

2. Bring the dumbbell to your right hip, then controllably swing it across your body to over your left shoulder while keeping your arms straight.

3. As you rotate left, pivot your right foot. Return your hands to your right hip. Continue for the specified amount of time, then switch sides and repeat.


Single Leg Reverse Woodchop Seated on Ball with Resistance Band Movement

1. Start by sitting on a stability ball. Shoulders back, chest out and back straight.

2. The resistance band should be either to your left or right.

3. Only one foot will be flat on the ground. The other will be raised a couple of inches above the ground.

4. You will be grabbing the resistance band with only the hand opposite of the side that it is on so that it is across your body.

5. Grabbing the resistance band with your palm facing you, pull away, twist your body and simultaneously come up from the squat position until you are facing away from the pulley.

6. Think of it as a diagonal line. The cable starts at 7 o';clock and finishes at 1 o'clock. To finish the motion, come back from the top and reverse the motion to return to the position you started the exercise in. This completes one repetition.


Single Leg Reverse Woodchop Seated Ball with Resistance Band Benefits

To exercise correct knee position and stability, strengthen the quads and glutei maximi while engaging the glutei medii.

Exercise Aliases

Exercises With Stability Ball, Exercise With Resistance Bands

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