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Modified Side Plank From Knees Iso Abs, Get My Free Fitness app


How to Do

How to Do Side Plank from the Knees, Modified Iso Abs

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This exercise will challenge your core, and build stability and strength. Also, it will build up stability in the shoulder joint.

Strength and stability in the core and shoulders are important for good performance in most sports.

Be sure to maintain proper alignment.

Keep the tummy pulled in throughout this exercise. If any pain or instability is experienced during this exercise, stop immediately.

Healthy exercisers with good shoulder stabilization should also have good CORE, hip, and lower body flexibility before performing this exercise.


Beginning Side Plank from the Knees, Modified

1. Lie on your right side, and make sure that your shoulder, hip, and knees form a straight line. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow bent at 90 degrees, and stack your shoulder directly over your elbow.

2. With your knees in line with your shoulders and hips, fold your lower legs behind you at about 90 degrees. Keep the major joints, shoulders, knees, and hips aligned.


Side Plank from the Knees, Modified Movement

1. Tighten your abdominals to support your spine, stuck in the tummy drawing the belly button towards the spine, then lift your body weight onto your forearm and the side of your right knee. In this position, your shoulder, hips, and knees will form one straight line. You should not be sagging at the waist. Your spine should be straight, and at no point should your back be arched or rounded.

2. Hold the position where the hips are in line with the shoulders for the specified length of time, 10-15 seconds, or as long as good form can be maintained.

3. Then slowly lower your body back to the start position. Keep the movement controlled, and your abdominals taut. Avoid slumping towards the ground. Slowly return the body to the floor.

4. Pause briefly and repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions. Then switch to the opposite side and repeat.


Side Plank from the Knees, Modified Benefits

The Iso Abs-Side Lying is a beginner exercise that stabilizes the CORE muscles and shoulders.

Exercise Aliases

Side Lying Iso Abs from Knees, Side Iso Abs, Side Iso-Abs with Crunch

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