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Side Oblique Crunch With Legs Vertical


How to Do

How to Do Side Oblique Crunch With Legs Vertical

This exercise is best for those who have adequate CORE strength and flexibility. There should be no pain, injury, or weakness in the neck, low back, or abdomen.

Maintain good form throughout this exercise. Keep the tummy drawn. Be aware of how your body responds to this exercise. Should any pain or discomfort be encountered during this exercise, discontinue it immediately.

To make this exercise more challenging, bicycle the legs so that the right elbow rotates towards the left knee while the right leg is fully extended and hovering above the floor.


Beginning Oblique Twist

Lie down on the floor with the knees bent at a 90 degree angle and both hands placed behind the head at the base of the neck. Suck in the tummy in an effort to make the navel touch the spine. Both feet should be flat on the floor throughout this exercise.


Oblique Twist Movement

1. Keeping the chin tucked to the chest, raise both shoulders off the floor and rotate the right shoulder towards your left. Come back to the original starting position. Raise both shoulders off the floor and rotate the left shoulder toward the right side of the body. Return to starting position. Continue to perform this exercise for the desired number of repetitions on alternating sides. Be careful not to arch the back during this exercise.


Oblique Twist Benefits

Oblique Twist is an intermediate exercise that improves strength and flexibility in the CORE muscles used when twisting at the waist.

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