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Functional Front Lunge


How to Do

How to Do Functional Front Lunge

This exercise is best for those who have good CORE strength and adequate flexibility in the hips and legs. There should be no pain, injury, or weakness in the knees, legs, or hips. Tight muscles should be stretched prior to performing this exercise.

Maintain good form throughout this exercise. Make sure the lunging knee stays aligned directly over the ankle. Keep the chest high and the tummy drawn so that the upper body stays vertical. Make sure the shoulders, head, and neck remain front-facing during this movement. Be aware of how your body responds to this exercise. Should any pain or discomfort be encountered during this exercise, discontinue it immediately.


Beginning Front Lunge

Stand tall with the hands on the hips. Roll the shoulders back and keep them pressed down. Suck in the tummy in an effort to make the navel touch the spine. The feet should be positioned hip-width apart. Focus the eyes straight ahead and keep the chest high.


Front Lunge Movement

1. Beginning with the left foot, take a long step forward to land on the heel. Lower straight down into a lunge. The left and right knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle. The right knee should hover just above the ground. Stay in the lunge briefly. Push-off through the left heel, and return the left leg to the starting position. Repeat the same steps and lunge forward with the right leg. Perform one set of 5-10 repetitions on each leg alternating left and right lunges.


Front Lunge Benefits

Lunge-Functional Standing is an intermediate exercise that improves strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination in the CORE, hips, and legs.

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