How to Do
How to Do Chest Pass on Medicine Ball Exercise
You should have proper stability through the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex.
You need advanced core strength.
Each medicine ball should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.
If any pain is experienced, immediately stop using this medicine ball.
Beginning Chest Pass on Medicine Ball Exercise
Initiate a thorough dynamic warm-up before starting this exercise, to engage your nervous system.
Stand in proper alignment; your hands should be in front of your chest. Your feet should be pointing straight ahead.
Activate the core with proper drawing in of your core muscles.
Tighten muscles to promote proper pelvic floor contraction.
Chest Pass on Medicine Ball Exercise Movement
1. Keep your chest tall with your shoulder blades depressed and retracted.
2. Hold the medicine ball close to your chest and position your elbows high.
3. Extend elbows while flexing your wrist to move the ball in a throwing position.
Chest Pass on Medicine Ball Exercise Benefits
Improves concentric acceleration and eccentric deceleration of the upper extremity.
Promotes dynamic stabilization.
Your body learns to summate forces along your kinetic chain.
Exercise Aliases
How To Do a Chest Pass with a Medicine Ball, Chest Pass Exercises, Medicine Ball Exercises