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Medicine Ball Chest Pass on Balance Pad With Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Medicine Ball Chest Pass on Balance Pad With Single Leg

The medicine ball chest pass on balance pad with a single leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the medicine ball chest pass on balance pad with a single leg.


Beginning Medicine Ball Chest Pass

1. Begin with a thorough warm-up before starting this exercise. This engages the sensory system.

2. Stand in proper alignment (back straight, shoulders squared, chin up, chest out, stomach in, feet facing forward, and your hips and knees should be in a neutral position). Keep your hands in front of the chest.

3. Keep the belly tight by drawing the belly button towards the spine. Then, contract the pelvic floor by tightening the same muscles that are commonly used to stop the flow of urine.


Medicine Ball Chest Pass Movement

1. Stand on an Airex balance pad with one leg, keep hips level and grip toes on the ground.

2. Start with chest tall and shoulder blades down and back.

3. Hold medicine ball close to chest with elbows high.

4. Movement is the combination of the shoulder movement, elbow extension and the wrist flexion as the ball is accelerated away from the body.


Medicine Ball Chest Pass Benefits

Single-leg exercises can help you identify muscular imbalances while also improving your balance and core stability.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do a Chest Pass with a Medicine Ball, Chest Pass Exercises, Medicine Ball Exercises, Single Leg Chest Pass, Airex Pad Chest Pass, Airex Pad Exercises.

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