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Incline Dumbbell Pullover, Get My Free Fitness App


How to Do

How to Do Pullover with Incline Dumbbells

The dumbbell fly should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the dumbbell from flying.


Beginning Pullover with Incline Dumbbells

Once you're able to perform this exercise with both arms, you can progress the exercise by holding the MB in one arm and completing all the repetitions on one side, before working on the other arm. You'll need to flex the wrist to keep the MB balanced on your palm as you hold it over your shoulder.


Pullover with Incline Dumbbells Movement

1. Place the weight bench at a slight incline.

2. Lie down on the bench with a dumbbell of an appropriate weight above your chest.

3. Extend the dumbbell over your head in a steady motion.

4. Hold that position for a couple of seconds before slowly returning the dumbbell to its original position.


Pullover with Incline Dumbbells Benefits

This resistance workout primarily targets the pectoralis major and lats muscles in the chest (latissumus dorsi). The dumbbell fly provides a deep pectoral and lats stretch due to its wide range of motion.

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