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Resistance Band Side Shuffle


How to Do

How to Do Resistance Band Side Shuffle

The resistance band side shuffle should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the resistance band side shuffle.

Beginning Resistance Band Side Shuffle

1. Place tubing (elastic resistance) around the mid-lower leg.

2. Place feet facing forward and shoulder width apart.

3. Position your body in a quarter squat position.


Resistance Band Side Shuffle Movement

1. From the quarter squat position, draw your belly button inward toward your spine.

2. Maintaining proper spine and leg alignment, and performing a slow, controlled, lateral shuffle to the right (15-30 seconds).

3. Repeat side movement and time to the left.

4. Generating strength from the core and hip musculature is the key. First, perform movements in front of a mirror to ensure optimal alignment is executed.

5. Do not allow your knees to cave inward. Maintain tone in the belly.


Resistance Band Side Shuffle Benefits

The Lateral Shuffle is a great way to get started with lateral movement by raising your heart rate and challenging your core while strengthening your hip abductors, quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Side Shuffles with Resistance Band, Shuffle Drills, Resistance Band Exercises, Tube Shuffles, Lateral Shuffles.

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