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Side Shuffle With Medicine Ball Bounce


How to Do

How to Do Side Shuffle With Medicine Ball Bounce

Each side shuffle with medicine ball bounce should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this side shuffle with medicine ball bounce.


Beginning Side Shuffle

1. Maintain good posture with shoulder blades back and down and good stability through the abdomen.

2. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise; this engages the nervous system.

3. Ensure that you are proficient at the side lunge and the side gallop before beginning this exercise.

4. You will need a medicine ball that can bounce.


Side Shuffle Movement

1. This movement involves a side gallop with a power medicine ball bounce.

2. Start with the medicine ball at shoulder height and perform one side gallop (as shown).

3. As the outside leg (the one you are traveling towards) lands, load the medicine ball overhead and perform a powerful thrust of the medicine ball towards the ground.

4. As it returns up, catch it about shoulder height, side gallop once in the opposite direction and load the medicine ball over head.

5. As the outside leg lands, powerfully bounce the medicine ball. Catch and quickly change the direction of the gallop (as shown).

6. Repeat for desired number of times.


Side Shuffle Benefits

The medicine ball slam is used to improve strength, speed, and power. It's ideal for triceps, abs, shoulders, calves, back, glutes, quads, and other major muscle groups. This activity raises heart rate and burns a significant amount of calories.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Medicine Ball Shuffle, Side Shuffles, Shuffle Drills, Med Ball Exercises Lateral Shuffles.

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