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Single Leg Dumbbell Squat With Floor Reach and External Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Dumbbell Squat With Floor Reach and External Rotation

Each single leg dumbbell squat with floor reach and external rotation should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this single leg dumbbell squat with floor reach and external rotation.


Beginning Swiss Ball Leg Raises

1. Make sure that you are able to bend easily from the hips, are able to keep the knees slightly bent, and maintain good stability throughout the abdomen and belly.

2. Begin with a thorough warm up before starting this exercise, this engages the sensory system.


Swiss Ball Leg Raises Movement

1. This movement involves a combination of a one legged squat with opposite arm toe reach and shoulder external rotation.

2. Start standing on one leg, knee slightly bent, and toe pointing straight ahead.

3. The opposite arm is held up, elbow bent at about 90° (as shown).

4. Simultaneously perform a one legged squat while reaching the raised arm across the body towards the planted foot.

5. As you stand back up, the arm swings up and back.


Swiss Ball Leg Raises Benefits

Since there is no external resistance, this exercise can be done at a higher, moderate speed for added challenge.

This exercise should flow.

Exercise Aliases

Single Leg Balance Squat, One Legged Squat, Advanced Squats, How To Do a Floor Reach Squat, Squat with Rotation.

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