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Depth Tuck Jump Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Tuck Jump in the Depths

The tuck jump in the depths should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the tuck jump in the depths.


Beginning Tuck Jump in the Depths

1. Soften your knees and stand with your feet between hip and shoulder width apart.

2. Lower your body into a quarter-squat by bending your hips and knees. You'll be in the universal athletic stance (imagine a football lineman) with your hips and knees bent, your chest lined up with your toes, your eyes forward, and you'll be ready to erupt.

3. Your lower back should be in its natural arch and your torso should be at around 45 degrees to the floor.

4. Bend your hips back and swing your arms back until they are parallel to your spine.


Tuck Jump in the Depths Movement

1. Jump as high as you can into the air by extending your hips, knees, and ankles (come up onto your toes) and swinging your arms forward and up.

2. Pull your knees up with you as you rise, tucking them under your chest.

3. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the finish of the exercise.

4. When tucking, try to maintain your height rather than crunching yourself into a ball.


Tuck Jump in the Depths Benefits

Tuck jumps are mainly used to increase bilateral power output.

Exercise Aliases

Tuck Squat Jump, Tucked Knee Jump, Tuck Jump Exercise.

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