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Speed Ladder Single Leg Hop


How to Do

How to Do Speed Ladder Single Leg Hop

The speed ladder single leg hop should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the speed ladder single leg hop.


Beginning Speed Ladder Drills

1. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise; this engages the nervous system.

2. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades back and down, good stability through the abdomen, and neutral spine angles.


Speed Ladder Drills Movement

1. Stand on one leg and raise the opposite leg off the ground with the ankle flexed (toes pointed away from the body). Feet parallel beside each other.

2. Maintain level hips and bend stance leg to 45 degrees.

3. Hop forward and back into the first rung of the ladder and land on the same leg.

4. Allow the swing leg to come through fully and repeat hop.

5. Use your arms to help propel the body.


Speed Ladder Drills Benefits

They strengthen your joints, ligaments, and tendons while also improving three key fitness factors: speed, agility, and quickness.

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